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Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor imprint any marks upon you. (VAYIKRA 19:28)
The seventh day is a Sabbath, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work. (SHEMOT 20:10)
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Pentateuch (5 BOOKS)

Neviim (21 BOOKS)

Ketuvim (12 BOOKS)

  • 0. PSALMS (150 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 1. PROVERBS (31 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 2. JOB (42 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 3. SOLOMON (8 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 4. RUTH (4 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 5. LAMENTATIONS (5 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 6. ECCLESIASTES (12 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 7. ESTHER (10 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 8. DANIEL (12 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 9. EZRA (10 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 10. NEHEMIAH (13 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 11. CHRONICLES (29 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 12. CHRONICLES II (36 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • Companion Books

  • 0. ENOCH (108 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • 1. JUDAS (6 CHAPTERS) (download this book)
  • Corpus Hash

    The SHA1 hash that represents ALL VERSES in the PENTATEUCH, NEVIIM, KETUVIM, and ENOCH as translated into the English corpus is:
    b9c5161e04459accebf06a2c511dbcd0405358e2 (HEX)

    Various Passages

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