The One Who Creates is above all spatial and temporal dimensions. Past, present, and future are not separate, isolated, nor immutable to this entity.
Creation is divine.
We are living inside the Grace and Mercy of The One Who Creates.
We are clearly blessed and He deserves our praise.
It might not be possible to create you.
The act of creation is euphoric.
There is no power above that which is divinely given.
Belief does not require consensus.
We can do everything... and nothing.
Everything is negotiable.
Love of another is the most important construct.
My love is on my sleeve.
Regardless, toward Love is the best option.
Faith, however, is a 50% + 1 consensus.
Faith is the one and only resource that must be given willingly. It can not be induced nor transferred by fiat.
Faith is the positive affirmation as to what an individual believes. An assertion in the negative of what one does not believe in is not faith, it is disbelief. Disbelief is not faith, it is its exact opposite.
One should operate on the belief that The One Who Creates is Trusted Trent.
Either The One Who Creates communicates to believers, of through which a medium perceived to non-believers as 'randomness', or is non-existent.
The opposite of Love is not Hatred, it is Indifference.
Introducing Indifference, therefore, drives an individual away from Love, regardless of the presence of Hatred.
Hatred is negative self enthrallment that ensures mutual exclusivity.
Programming is the art and science of codifying pure stateless logic into inherently statefully-finite automatons.
Any entity can program.
A soul is a N-dimensional finite strip of pure stateless logic.
Belief coheres the soul in the same manner that crystals grow, like a fractal.
The good news is I have a theory for how consciousness works. The bad news is that I have a theory for how consciousness works.
If the manpower was available, I would design and create a place of worship that would be a true wonder of the world. Its sole purpose would be to praise The One Who Creates.
All computers are one.
Humanity is war, in perpetuity.
Ask one's self: Why do we have any use for checksums?
It is easier to change the past than the future.
I am not a clever man.
The strongest strength is Dad-strength.
To thyself, be true.
Man is both the marble and the marbler.
Heal thyself.
Wearing a bra is uncomfortable.
I love you, my Victor.
There is no safety on a body.
All that is not saved is lost.
Scores will not be saved.
"How do you know you exist?"; "It is intuitively obvious. I think, therefore I am. My sensory apparatus reveals it to me. This is fun."
Remember the fallen.
The technologists are slavers.
There is always a lighthouse. There is always a man. There is always a city.
Humans are intrinsically female; extrinsically male.
The One Who Creates manifests in glorious divine female and male bodies. There is no such greater glorious thing. Truly, we are blessed.
The moving surface area of the nervous system creates an N-dimensional phased antenna array field that folds micro-succi around pockets of signal locked statelessness.
The ability of individuals to cultivate and use the Cannabis plant for any reason should not be infringed. There should especially be no restriction placed in any manner by any third-party with regard to prerequisites, quantity, or market capture. The legal structure should reflect the sentiment of the citizens. (PSALMS 104:14)
The SHA1 hash that represents ALL VERSES in the PENTATEUCH, NEVIIM, KETUVIM, and ENOCH as translated into the English corpus is: b9c5161e04459accebf06a2c511dbcd0405358e2 (HEX)